Jacopo Pantaleoni is an author, mathematician and computer scientist who is using his unique experience as a long-time industry insider to investigate the broad impact and side effects of emerging technologies on humankind.
"Relentless exponential scaling of computing power is about to have a profound effect on societies through artificial intelligence and the metaverse. Pantaleoni's book offers an insightful and timely guide for navigating these treacherous waters."
Timo Aila, Senior Distinguished Research Scientist, NVIDIA Research
"We are living in an extraordinary era, characterized by breathtaking technological, economic, and social upheaval. In this charming and erudite book, Jacopo Pantaleoni provides a unique perspective on this time of change by providing a brief history of applied-computing technology, peppered with a fascinating account of his personal role on multiple landmark projects that range from media & gaming to biotech. And then in the most provocative part of the book, he takes a step back to examine the ethics and wisdom of AI and the Metaverse, the latest and in some ways the scariest of the many disruptions that the computer has wrought. Digital clones of the real world will undoubtedly be fun and useful, but they could also be profoundly isolating and stultifying. The message is a simple 'look before you leap', but for something of immense consequence."
Joe Marks, former Vice President & Research Fellow of The Walt Disney Company
"Of impressing clarity. The most significant book I read in years. Compared to this, other essays look archaic."
Salvatore Sanfilippo, creator of Redis, and author of science-fiction novel Wohpe.
"Makes you pause and think how, where and towards what humanity is driven by technology."
Mahendra Roopa, former Principal Product Manager of autonomous driving at Daimler AG
"The Quickest Revolution is a necessary read for those grappling with concerning developments in artificial intelligence and the infrastructural ubiquity of digital technology in our lives. It dares to ask: what are the consequences of the incredible, concentrated power of Big Tech today? What is the nature of the technological change it is advancing? And what are the implications of these historical trends for the future of human and planetary life? Against the grain, Jacopo Pantaleoni deploys a multidisciplinary approach, combining socio-historical analysis with his own firsthand experience from inside the most advanced laboratories of technological innovation. Put on your seatbelt, reader, because The Quickest Revolution is an eye-opening, high-octane ride through the accelerating revolutionary processes underlying our digital age."
Dr. Heather Gautney, Professor of Sociology, Fordham University, author of The New Power Elite